Earlier this week, Star columnist Rosie DiManno wrote a piece about an alleged sexual assault of a man by four women, and some people got upset. Several wrote to the Star’s public editor Kathy English, or at least enough of them to compel her to draw up a letter she sent to each of them to address […]

When the Star announced layoffs a few weeks ago, one of the causalities appeared to be the radio room. Here’s an update. Journalists across Canada were stunned earlier this month to learn that the Star planned to kill its famed radio room program. The other layoff news — in advertising, the library, the editorial assistants, the page desk, the designers — was terrible

Memo: Star union tries to save radio roomRead More »

So you want to cancel your cable, but aren’t sure how much bandwidth you’d need for an alternate service? This chart from the CRTC is helpful.

Premier Dalton McGuinty and his Liberal cabinet need to know what Ontarians are saying about them, and have issued a media monitoring tender. Pretty routine stuff, although the list of stations to be monitored is kind of interesting…