Take a break: it’s time well spent

We know how hard it is for  many of you to find the time in your work day to take a break. That’s why Guild volunteers are organizing events at CBC locations across the country during the week of May 6 to encourage us all to take – and enjoy – our work breaks.

Our collective agreement provides for a 30- to 60-minute unpaid meal break and two paid 15-minute “coffee” breaks during a regular work day (see Article 59 of the agreement). Take time every day away from your desk or equipment – yes, even your smartphone! – to eat, chat with friends or colleagues, take a walk, make yourself some tea. It’s good for your health, your stress level, your creativity and even your work productivity.

Friday May 10 is “Make a date for lunch” day. We urge all members to make arrangements with a colleague or two to share a meal together. If you happen to be working a late shift, make a date for dinner!

We have also set up a Facebook Group to house a photo contest, which will run from today until May 20. The photographers of the top three photos in each category (according to FB likes) will receive a gift card for a local restaurant. The categories are: Most tantalizing meal; Best group shot; Best meal break locale.

Enjoy all of the activities!